In complexity, decolonizing in roles and life

As a final opportunity to meet before the busyness of school life took over for many of us, and the seasons begin to shift for all, it was inspiring and motivating to hear of each person’s summer journeys in decolonizing thought and action. We spent some time reflecting about news items that may have been missed due to silencing on social media platforms and google searches. We opened with a prayer in acknowledgement of the Turtle Lodge‘s invitation to join in a “National Day of Prayer: A Call for Spiritual Unity” taking place that day in alignment with the full moon. We engaged in discussion regarding the complexity we each take up regarding land acknowledgements, as inspired by teachings from Smokii Sumac, shared at an event during the Nelson Mural Festival. We also considered what strengths we bring to diverse roles in institutions and communities, as articulated by Deepa Iyer’s Social Change Ecosystem Framework.

Looking forward to staying on contact through the seasons ahead – continuing to meet monthly, speaking and listening to each others’ journeys. May we each receive the strength and encouragement we need to keep doing our best during the intervening weeks as well!