Reading to listen well… learn, connect, and take action.

Image Credit: Unsplash artist Kuo-Chiao Lin

A key difference between the Learning Leap initiative and more mainstream book clubs is the commitment to avoid a stance of judgment. Whereas many collective reading experiences begin with forming opinions, “I enjoyed this book because…” or “I didn’t connect with this book because…” Learning Leap intends to listen to the writers as valued guest teachers, viewing the books as offerings, and respectfully receiving the writer’s intended messages with an open mind and heart. Instead, we ask: “What can I learn from the life and perspective of this guest teacher?” The teachings of appreciative inquiry have informed this shift in mindset. This approach, coupled with the unprecedented access we now have through social media and online resources, mean that there has never been a better time to engage in this style of learning.

As we move through the series of guest teachers, the books also become conversation starters and inspiration to action. In this intention, we are inspired by the work of #DisruptTexts, and have developed three simple prompts to use to guide the first readers of each book as they prepare to present their thinking to others.

1. What it says – something that you learned or found remarkable

2.  What it means – what it means to you, to education, or to society

3.  What I’ll do – turning learning into an action – some change to your teaching practice or to your life, however small

Through dialogue, we are also encouraging each other to further our understanding beyond the books, and engage in any unlearning that is necessary to continue moving forward in a good way.

As you begin to read with this shifted intention, here are some questions to guide further reflection. Feel free to share what you notice here, or on social media.

  • What do you notice about your prior thought processes while reading?
  • How does this way of thought feel familiar or strange?
  • How will it affect your experience of the books to read with these particular intentions at heart?

Do you have any additional suggestions for others about how to make the most of this learning experience?

Happy listening, connecting and taking action! We value your ideas and collaboration!